Actor-Orientation B: The Societal Level

Authors: K. Holdener, U. Wiesmann, K. Herweg

Click on the animation to the right and discover the relations between action and the societal level:

Learning Objectives

After completing this lesson, you shall be able to:

  • Define the term "embeddedness" with regard to the actions and strategies of actions of specific actors at a meta-theoretical level;
  • Describe an example of a social and cultural system of "embeddedness" from rural Kenya;
  • Operate the link between the meta-theoretical level of the "embeddedness" of action and its application to concrete examples.


In order to fulfil the learning objectives of this lesson, you will have to:

  • Find meta-theoretical background texts in the form of pdf files in the media column. They outline compulsory background information and illustrate the core information presented in this column;
  • Answer feed-back questions on the content of the unit; either alone or in groups (answer feed-back questions);
  • Draw your conclusions by attempting to apply the theory (relevant part of the model) to concrete examples at the end of unit II. You should allocate examples drawn from a pool (in the form of text, photographs, statements and maps) of embeddedness to one of four areas of the socio-economic and socio-cultural system in a specific context. Then, based on the information provided in unit II, you should interpret them in a short report.

Working through this lesson you will come across the following activities, tests and downloads:




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